Mindful Monday: Planting Seeds

One morning last week, I was searching through documents on my laptop for a file. I couldn't find what I was looking for, yet I found just what I needed—an incredible memory, and I'd like to share it with you today.

Twelve years ago, a woman named Sarah came to my mindfulness course. She told me her daughter Mara, who was 7, was being bullied at school and, as a result, had so much anxiety she couldn't sleep. It was tough for everyone. So, Sara wanted to learn how to meditate so she could teach Mara, hoping it would help her.

After learning more about Mara, I felt inspired to meet her in person, so we arranged to meet one Saturday.

When Mara came over, we chatted briefly, and then I asked her if she would like to meditate. She said yes, and I quickly realized she needed little instruction. She was a natural. Mara and I hit it off and became fast friends.

Mara started meditating every day, and as she did, she began to change, and her life began to change. She was no longer anxious. Instead, Mara was happy and confident. She became a leader in her school.

Witnessing Mara's transformation touched me so much that I was inspired to record a meditation CD for children called Happy Heart.

I asked Mara if she would design the cover, and she did.

We live in a society that values doing. Children are focused on doing at a young age, and very little value is placed on taking time to be.

But when children are given tools like meditation and mindfulness, they can find peace and feel safe and happy. By planting these seeds early, they will have healthy coping mechanisms and greater resiliency when challenges come. They are developing emotional intelligence they can use for the rest of their lives.

I have a friend, Monique, who teaches a grade 3 class.

I am so happy when she tells me what she is exploring with her students. She teaches the children so many valuable tools. She meditates with them and recently shared how she is teaching them the power of their thoughts and the power of gratitude. She said they love it!

This is planting seeds.

Thirteen years ago, I was in a Buddhist temple in Toronto for a sacred event. I was deeply touched when I saw families showing up to celebrate and meditate together—grandparents, parents, and children. Some of the children were four or five years old. The children sat there chanting and meditating, then when they were ready, got up, ran around, and played as children do. It was beautiful to witness.

This is planting seeds.

Children are our future. Whether we have children or not, we can make an impact. It may be our presence or leading by example with love and compassion.

Here is my meditation, Happy Heart, for the children in your life. You and your Inner Child may enjoy listening to it, too.

Listen on SoundCloud

And it will be on Insight Timer this week. 

With love,