Mindful Monday: Do you feel empowered

I felt inspired to continue on the thread regarding the power of planting seeds. 

Last week, I shared stories about planting the seeds with young children, and this week, I want to chat about how, as adults, we still need to tend to the seeds. 

Seeds were planted when we were young, and as adults, we can assess whether our beliefs and the behaviours associated with them are serving us. If they are not, we can change. We can return to our true nature.

Perhaps when we were young, we were told to be quiet, be a good girl, not be too big for our britches, not be too loud, and stop crying.

Now, as adults, we get to pause, reflect, and explore these beliefs with curiousity. 

Change happens by being here in the now. 

I have been in training for two months now, and the focus has been on power—the true power of being our authentic selves. True power has nothing to do with what we have, what we do, or look like. It is much more profound. It is connecting to and living from a place of essence and authentically expressing the uniqueness of our soul. 

It has been very rich and complex and not always comfortable. For about a week and a half, it rocked my inner world. Exploring power triggered my Inner Child, bringing up childhood trauma of when my power was taken from me, and I felt helpless. 

The beautiful part was that I could lean into those heavy emotions, the fear and sadness, and embrace my dear Inner Child. I had the chance to be with, support, love, and understand this part of me. As I did this, I witnessed a beautiful shift and transformation. 

Right now, I feel more spacious, strong, and grounded in my body. Healing the part that felt powerless was the catalyst for feeling true power. It was an inside job. 

This is the transformative nature of being present and meeting these parts of ourselves with love and understanding. They can release, dissolve, and become free, and we can return home to our true essence.  

As I was processing all of this, I have also been facilitating a six-week series with a group of incredible women. Witnessing my capacity to hold space for myself and for other women has been touching. 

Last week, we explored our desire to step into our power, be free, and live authentically. We illuminated our beliefs and fears about shining bright and playing big together—talk about Divine timing.

I shared my direct experience, and collectively, we shared that as women, we want to step into our true, authentic selves, and yet another part of us can be afraid of shining bright or fully stepping into our power. 

"I don't want to shine too brightly because;;;;"

  • People might not like me.

  • I might fail.

  • It is arrogant.

  • It's not safe.

  • I don't know where to start. 

Now, we get to question these beliefs.

Is this true?
When did I first believe this?
Whose voice is this?
My parents, siblings, friends, teachers, society?

We can dig a little deeper and ask ourselves questions like

  • Do I feel empowered?

  • Do I express myself freely and authentically?

  • What are my beliefs about being empowered? 

  • Do I speak my truth?

  • Do I shine bright?

  • Do I play small? How?

 How does this make me feel?

All the answers lie within us and will be revealed when we practice being here now and shining light on our shadow side with compassion.

Transformation happens in the now, not in the future moment.

Most people focus on something in their outer world that needs to change to feel empowered. Their beliefs are future-oriented: "When I look better, have a new job or relationship, or change that (whatever that is), I will feel empowered."

This belief is a trap.

This belief is not true empowerment. 

Our true power lies within us in the here and now. 

Being connected to our true power is an inner experience that impacts how we relate to ourselves and our outer world.

We have a choice.

A choice to be more present and live life in a more embodied way, connecting to our essence and living with more fulfillment as we tune into our soul.

The consciousness on our planet is shifting, and many people's worlds are being rocked. It is happening for a reason. 

 It is time for transformation.

There is no more room for playing small.

We are here for a reason; when we shine our light, we illuminate all sentient beings.

If you are feeling stuck and you know you want to change and feel more fulfilled, but it's not happening, please reach out. I'd love to support you. Sometimes, we need help to do this work. I offer Private Coaching to support you and your Inner Child. I use state-of-the-art techniques, including Tapping (EFT), to release the blocks in the subconscious, helping you to connect to your authentic self and feel empowered.

Book a free consult today.

With loving kindness,
