Mindful Monday: What area of your life are you tolerating?
I don't know about you, but I love this time of year. While all seasons offer their own beauty, there’s something magical about Fall.
I take a walk almost every day along the river. The colours, the air, the beauty - it is so peaceful. For me, spending time in nature is a great way to relax and be in the moment.
During this change of season, I have been taking time to reflect on:
- where I am at
- where I want to be
- what is blocking me (limiting beliefs, behaviours) It has nothing to do with anyone else. I take full accountability for where I am.
- what changes I can make right now
From here, I am gaining clarity, setting new intentions and taking the actions that will bring about the desired change.
It all starts with my mindset.
You can do this too.
What is one thing in your life you are tolerating?
You know - you are putting up with it, but not really happy about it...high stress; not eating well; fear of speaking your truth; cluttered closets; not making time for yourself; limiting beliefs of self doubt or "I'm not good enough".
One area of my life I have been tolerating is my health. Over the past year I have worked more, exercised less, put on some extra pounds and felt really sluggish. Without my health and energy I have nothing. So, now I am making a change with my diet, exercise and being mindful of how I talk and think about my body - and it feels great! Not only am I starting to feel better physically, I also feel better about myself in general because I am taking charge of my life.
When you are aware, you can make a change - and it all starts by taking time to stop and reflect, rather than going non-stop all day long.
Where can you start?
- Sit in silence for a few minutes and meditate.
- Grab a piece of paper and pen.
- Answer the following questions...
"One thing in my life I am tolerating is..."
"This makes me feel..."
"One thing I can start today to make a change is..."
"This makes me feel..."
All of the answers are within you. It is simply a matter of stopping long enough to hear them.
Would you like support with changing your mindset and moving forward?
My next SimplyPresent Mindfulness Course starts on Thursday, November 10th. People tell me over and over again this course is life-changing. It can be for you too!
To your peace & well-being,