Mindful Monday: Tis the season to be...jolly, sad and stressed.
December is an interesting month. It can be filled with so many different feelings, emotions, expectations, and busyness.
For some people this holiday season is a real celebration - they love it! And for others, this holiday season will be very challenging.
Maybe you have lost a job or a loved one; ended a relationship; you or someone you love has poor health; or you don't get along with your family. Feelings associated with these losses can be intensified at this time of year.
We have a lot of expectations of what it 'should' look that and this puts added pressure and stress on us. But it doesn't have to.
One thing I do know is - we can not control things on the outside. We can't control other people or life events.
The one thing we can control is how we respond to what life brings us.
I choose to start my day with a meditation. It grounds me, stills my mind and body and connects me to the gratitude and peace within. It helps me to live life on life's terms.
My dad passed away this year and it will be very different for our family. The one thing that brings me comfort is knowing he is always in my heart and memories last a lifetime.
So during this busy holiday season take time to stop and pause. Take time to feel what you are feeling - whether it is joy, happiness or sadness. And be gentle with yourself.
The greatest gift we can give to ourselves, our loved ones and all of humanity is to connect to the peace and love within our heart. It starts by practicing being present and compassionate with ourselves and connecting to how we are feeling and who we really are.
Have a wonderful week!
To your peace + well-being,