Mindful Monday: 86% of Canadians can't sleep at night. Is this you?

Mindful Monday: 86% of Canadians can't sleep at night. Is this you?

How did you sleep last night? Did you get some Zzzzs?

According to this recent poll, most Canadians don't sleep well at all.

Survey says...
85% of Canadians polled said "racing thoughts" kept them awake at night.
69% found it hard to turn off their thoughts at night.
46% said stress from work or school troubled their sleep.
45% said financial worries troubled their sleep.
(Pharmaton Sleep Harmony Poll)

Wow - this means that most people are just getting through the day.

The body requires sleep and you can only lose sleep for so long without consequences - it will affect your health, work, relationships, happiness AND quality of life.

There is a solution for a racing mind. 

(You know what I'm going to say, don't you?)

A MINDFULNESS practice that includes a daily MEDITATION. 


My guided Meditation for Sleep

Sweet Dreams! 
