I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays! I’ve really loved spending more time with family, friends and myself this past week. It’s been a nice balance.
And now, here we are, on the doorstep of welcoming in a New Year!
Whether you’re a believer in making resolutions, a proponent of setting new goals or are really not into the hype of it all – I’ve found one thing to be true for most people, the arrival of the New Year encourages us to reflect on the life we’re living.
This past year challenged me in so many ways. To go inward, to trust, to be, to heal, to let go, to embrace and to be who I am. I have to say, it was one of the most challenging years and also a year where I have experienced profound growth, gratitude and compassion. It has changed me at the core; I am more grounded and at peace in my body than I have ever been in my life.
So now, as I move into 2019, I choose to ask the important question, ‘What do I need?’
To help me uncover the answer to this question I like to follow this ritual:
* Light a candle
* Journal about what happened last year; what did I learn? How did I grow?
* Write down everything I am ready to let go of: fears, resentments, experiences etc.on pieces of paper
* Light the paper and place in a bowl to burn. Let it all go.
* State what I want to focus on for the year to come. Intention is the key for me, where the mind goes energy flows.
* I visualize it. Feel it. Share it.
* Take action.
The intention I am putting out to the Universe in 2019 is to change gears.
I intend to have a full life that is beautifully simple. To celebrate me and celebrate life.
This year, one of my intentions is to be my own best friend.
Who knows how this will look! Maybe I’ll say yes more or no more depending on the situation. I intend to speak my truth and be me. I intend to step out of my comfort zone and play big however that looks. I intend to move my body more with dance, working out, yoga, nature and honour my body as a temple.
You will probably notice that I will be focused on self-love and celebration of who we are in 2019. Because for me without self-love I have nothing.
When we take care of ourselves it is not self-ish it is self-less. We have healthy boundaries, are more connected to who we are and why we are here. As a result, we are able to be there for others with gratitude and love rather than anger, resentment or obligation. It is a win-win.
Over the next few days or weeks, I encourage you to take a few moments and consider the answers to these questions:
What matters to you this year?
What do you want for yourself and your life?
What is your super power? Are you ready to discover it and live it?
I am excited to share this year with you! I can feel it’s going to be one of deep transformation. If you are ready to co-create with the Universe, to live your best life and celebrate who you are, it takes commitment, time, focus and energy. And guess what? It’s worth it.
If you are ready for change and are looking for the support and tools to get there, I’m here for you. Contact me to learn more about my private coaching program ‘Transforming Your Life From the Inside-Out’ or visit my website to explore course offerings and exciting new workshops and programs for 2019.
Best wishes for all the wonderful things that await you in the coming year.
Diane xo