Mindful Monday: Learning to Let Things Be

Nature continually teaches me what it looks like to ‘be’.  As I go for my walks in the woods I see and feel tremendous wisdom.

The pine tree isn’t trying to be like the birch. The log isn’t resisting floating down the river saying ‘No, I don’t want to go!’ The uprooted tree isn’t feeling less than or weak. 

There is perfection and beauty in absolutely everything. 

With all this change and uncertainty in our lives it can be very disconcerting to the part of ourselves that likes to feel in control; the part that likes to change or fix what is happening, or know exactly how things are going to play out.

The truth? The only guarantee is, there are no guarantees. (Ouch - the ego hates it when we shine a light on its modus operandi.)

When I first started meditating. I was super judgmental about my meditations. They had to be a certain way in order to be a ‘good meditation’ and just when I thought I was the perfect meditator the next one would be ‘bad’…meaning I had more thoughts or it didn’t feel as deep.

I was trying to control my experience rather than be with my experience.

I was focused on fixing myself which over time I realized was only preventing me from experiencing the peace I longed for.

The difference now is that my motive for doing what I do has changed.  

I still have a passion to grow, learn and discover the depth of Mystery within, but it’s not because of an underlying need to fix or change myself. It is driven by a passion for the Truth. 

Today, meditation for me is about letting go of control.

I’m not expecting my meditation to be a certain way. I’m not trying to manipulate or control. I don’t care if I have lots of thoughts or few, or anything else for that matter.  I am being with what is.

Our willingness to be and allow things to unfold as they will, brings peace.


Non-doing is the doorway to spiritual growth and true fulfillment.

This doesn’t mean we sit on the couch waiting for spiritual growth to happen; on the contrary.  It means we are engaged in the moment, observing with curiousity and being with our experience fully.   

It’s not so much about letting go - it’s more about letting it be.

When we stop looking for things to change to have peace, we find peace.
“All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something more or better or different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are.”
~ Adyashanti
Right now, there may be many things our ego-mind is telling us needs to be different to have peace.
But what if we had the willingness to:

  1. Stop

  2. Feel and be with what is

  3. Lean into our experience

Knowing that, when we lean into our truth, we are leaning into freedom.

I invite you to explore this without pressure or judgment. As much as you may think you enjoy being in control, it feels pretty great to let go of the reins and let things be.

Much love,