Mindful Monday: We are One

I wanted to check in with you. There’s a lot of fear, heaviness, and suffering being felt around the world as we watch the current state of war in the Ukraine.

How are you feeling?

How is this impacting you?

For those of us not directly affected, many may feel helpless or afraid as we witness the suffering of others. Uncertain how we can offer any significant support; wondering how we can make any difference in the situation.

There are so many things out of our control – this war being one of them.

What can we offer humanity at this time?

It’s important to remember, at the level of consciousness, we are one. Each a wave in the ocean.

When we take care of ourselves, by connecting inward and finding peace within, we then are able to shine our light brightly on others. When one person feels peace, that peace is sent to all beings.

What do we do when the tough emotions come for a visit?

What do we do when fear looks us in the eye?

The only way out – is through it - to feel and lean into the fear or emotion.

It doesn’t mean the ocean is always calm. But can we ride the waves rather than resist them?

Mindfulness is a way of being with the fear. When we allow ourselves to be human, to stop running and take time to be, to feel, we open ourselves to understanding it.

When we stand in our peace, we can then extend the olive branch to those we meet and to those suffering around the world with our thoughts, prayers, and actions.

Amidst the darkness, there is a lot of goodness, strength and hope shining through.

We’ve been seeing and hearing the stories of how love, kindness, and unity are helping others to hold onto hope.

I was inspired to hear how the sunflower, being the national flower for Ukraine, is becoming a global symbol of solidarity. In recent days, people around the world have been adding a bright yellow sunflower emoji to their social media profiles, wearing them on their clothing, and even planting seeds so more sunflowers can grow. A simple, and beautiful action.

Another simple, beautiful act - Tapping for Peace on Wed. March 9th.  Please join me as we quiet our minds and calm our bodies, connecting to the peace within our hearts and offering peace to the world.

Your thoughts can be felt. Your energy heals.

With love,
