Mindful Monday: Exploring What We “Get” from Gratitude

Last week I was sitting in my office staring at my computer. I’m working on a new project and my mind was completely blank. Nothing was coming. So, I decided to change gears and meditate. I sat down again, and still…nothing.

Gratefully, inspiration showed up and whispered, “let’s go to a café” and I listened.

This was my first experience working in a café since COVID. Pre-COVID I would go to cafés often; I enjoy the change of scenery, I find it energizing, creativity flows, not to mention I love a good decaf americano.

As I was sitting at a table by myself, I could hear the voices and the chatter of the people around me and it felt really good. I was at a table by myself, but I still felt a sense of connection just being around others again.

An activity I’ve done countless times in the past, sitting at a café, was now a different experience. It felt kind of surreal like it was the first time I had done this, and it took on a whole new meaning. I had a greater appreciation for something that really is quite simple.

Then, wouldn’t you know it, creativity joined me. Ideas came and inspiration showed up without any effort.

It made me realize how much my spirit values human connection.

Last week I wrote about how meaningful online can be, and it is. But like many people, all my work is now online, and so I’m not seeing people in person like I was accustomed to.

I have heard many people saying they are worried it’s going to be a long winter and they’re afraid of feeling even more isolated and missing that human connection. I understand this.

Yes, it's going to be different. There are many places we are unable to go, and people we’re unable to see.

This feeling can be overwhelming for a lot people and my advice is to keep this in mind:

There are so many moving parts to this that we can’t control.

My focus has been ‘What can I control?’

I’ve upped my mindfulness practice finding ways to explore this.

So, what am I exploring right now?

I am observing how I THINK about certain tasks or activities.

I am becoming clear on my intention as I do something.

For example:

Instead of saying or thinking, ‘I have to exercise’.

I can think, ‘I get to exercise, move and connect to my body. I’m so grateful for my healthy body.’

Instead of saying ‘I have to work.’

I can think ‘I get to work, be of service, be creative, have fun and to earn an income.’

It is the same with ‘I have to cook’.

We can apply this positivity and shift in perception to anything.

It’s not to say we disregard the struggles and difficulties that we ourselves may face, or those around us. It’s not to ignore the hardship, but instead, to bring some focus to the energy of gratitude.

It’s a simple shift in thinking and for me makes a profound difference in how I feel.

It gives me a sense of control of where I wish to place my focus and I feel better for it.

When we are filled with curiosity, focusing on the moment, there is no sense of lack. We are present to what is. We are connecting to our true self; it shifts our perception, calms our mind and body, and brings in gratitude.

By applying this, I am taking charge of my well-being. It builds a sense of security from within, not focusing on the outside.

Will you join me this week? Acknowledge the beauty in a previously mundane activity, connect with your Self, and look at what you’re “getting” from practicing gratitude.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.