Mindful Monday: Trusting Divine Timing — Diane Yeo Mindfulness

Mindful Monday: Trusting Divine Timing

Each week, as I write the Mindful Monday, I lean into what I’m currently experiencing, feeling, working through, or celebrating. It feels top of mind, close to my heart, and I hope that whether you’re also currently feeling similar or not, you can relate to or take away something that resonates or aligns with your own experience.

What I am experiencing right now in my life is a beautiful flow of creative energy. I am excited to work on new projects and put myself out there in a way I haven’t for several years.

I am feeling a softness within me and around me. I feel comforted and supported. It feels good to share this with you.

This past week, I went into the studio with the ever-so-talented Dima and recorded new guided meditations. It felt new and fresh, almost like the excitement of the first day of school. There was a beautiful flow, and Dima and I picked up right where we left off several years ago.  

Stay tuned! I will be sending my new guided meditations out to you soon.

This creative flow and inspiration have not been a constant state.

For the past several years, my journey has been focused inward, working through trauma, and it required a lot of focus and energy. Creativity was like a long-lost friend who was nowhere to be found. Sometimes, I saw myself trying to force things, but time and time again – nothing happened.

In retrospect, I now have a greater understanding. I am seeing the perfection of it all and appreciate how things have unfolded in my journey in their own time.

As the healing happened and layers were unpeeled, there was innate wisdom in wanting to create a safe cocoon to support me while I was doing this sacred inner work.

What I know to be true now is the time I spent inward; healing was a precious gift for my soul’s evolution. 

I experienced confusion at different times, which can be a natural part of our spiritual growth. As the ego structures dissolved, I was experiencing myself through a different lens, leaving me with the thought and feeling of ‘Who am I?’ 

I see how, when we are fully identified with our conditioning, we have forgotten who we are. It is a misunderstanding. We think we are limited beings, but we are unique, boundless expressions of the Divine. We also have a physical body to explore and experience our existence through. The two are not mutually exclusive. 

In our society, we are commended for our doing, striving, and accomplishments.

This outer focus on being rewarded began at a young age when we were rewarded or valued for what we did rather than who we were. It is deeply ingrained in our psyche.

As adults, we may still have a strong need to accomplish things and be rewarded or recognized because our younger self is driving the show.

If we find ourselves being slowed down for various reasons, this can threaten this younger part of our soul that believes the source of love is through outer recognition.

When this happens, we will meet resistance. There is nothing wrong with this. It simply allows us to understand and support the part of ourselves that feels this way.  

The beauty is we all have this incredible gift of rediscovering our true essence in this lifetime.

And the truth is...

Self-realization is not an accomplishment. It is a remembrance.

There is nothing to achieve or acquire. We already are that which we are seeking.

It is easy to compare ourselves to others, especially when it can feel like nothing is happening. 

The ego will tell us we are behind schedule.

The truth is we are right on track.

Things aren’t always as they seem.
 While it may feel like nothing much is happening in our outer world, when we follow the natural flow of our soul’s evolution, we will begin to experience the growth and illumination of our soul from the inside out.

Each one of us is experiencing our unique journey.

When we stop and listen, we will be guided.

So, yes, creative energy and inspiration are moving through me again. I am not creating creativity. It is grace. My soul is a vehicle for the Divine to express itself uniquely and beautifully, as it is for all of us.

I have evolved, and what I have to offer and share has also evolved. There is a perfection in all of it. I will continue to practice being in the moment, one breath at a time and one moment at a time.

I am so grateful to be able to share this journey with you. May we continue to explore who we are with compassion and trust in the Divine timing.

With love,

