I am filled with excitement!
In just three days, I will begin my journey to Sedona, Arizona, where I will host a retreat titled ‘Spiritual Awakening’ with nine amazing women.
Sedona holds a special place in my heart, making this experience even more exhilarating as I share it with like-minded individuals.
My spirit craves adventure, and I have long imagined leading a retreat in this stunning location. Although I have visited Sedona multiple times, this will be my first opportunity to host a retreat here—a dream I have held for years that is finally coming to fruition.
With this vision now becoming a reality, I wonder, what other possibilities lie ahead? I envision hosting retreats in Costa Rica and more events in Sedona; we’ll see where the beautiful Universe guides me.
How about you?
Is there something your heart is longing for?
Perhaps you are pursuing it, holding back, or waiting for the right moment.
It takes courage to step out of our comfort zone and do something new.
When we stretch ourselves beyond what we know, we open the door to a world of possibilities. This journey into the unknown can be both exhilarating and intimidating, but it is often where the most profound growth occurs.
When I feel resistance to something I yearn for, I explore the source of that resistance with curiosity.
There have been times when fear of failure held me back and others when I hesitated because I feared success and shining brightly.
While it may seem unusual to fear success, it is more common than one might think, as I often observe in my client sessions.
Why do we fear success?
This fear stems from our conditioning—beliefs and experiences that have shaped us. For instance, if we were taught to be modest, ‘don’t be too big for your britches,’ or warned against being too ambitious, such conditioning can profoundly influence our subconscious.
As a result, we may take steps forward only to sabotage ourselves or give up.
Can anyone relate to this?
I have certainly faced this challenge when entering new territories.
When we desire something but feel resistant, it helps to remember that only a part of us is afraid—not all of us.
Nothing is wrong with us, but our ego will say there is.
There is no need for self-judgment or shame.
Instead, what if we approached it with curiosity?
When we support the part of us resisting and understand where this resistance may be coming from, this is a catalyst for transformation. The rigid ego structure in place for all these years can feel safe enough to relax and dissolve, allowing us to move forward with more presence and freedom.
I love this quote from Marianne Williamson...
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?... And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I invite you to share your dreams with me—I would love to hear them!
Create something new, make that change, take a course, speak your truth, travel to a new place, or step out of your comfort zone. Trust me when I say you’re braver and more capable than you could ever imagine.
As we shine brightly, we inspire others to do the same, and when one person shines, all beings benefit.
If you would appreciate support in overcoming limiting beliefs, fears, or a feeling of stuckness, I offer transformational coaching sessions and would be honored to assist you in moving forward.
I look forward to updating you on my grand adventure once I return!
To shining bright,