Mindful Monday: This Moment is Sacred

I recently read a poem by spiritual teacher Jeff Foster that beautifully captures the profound insight into this moment's sacredness. 

The opening line, "We don't have a future together," initially provoked a reaction within me, a tension in my body. But as I continued to read on, my body softened, my heart opened, and I felt the truth and the freedom that comes from being here now and relating to people from a place of presence and autonomy.  

Our daily commitment to being present and aware, infused with compassion and curiosity, serves as a pathway to reconnecting with our true essence—love. This practice enables us to see others more clearly and appreciate the preciousness of this moment and the people in our lives.

This is living life from the inside out - being in the world, not of the world. 

I call it freedom.  

In just a few days, I will attend a five-day retreat. I will carry this insight of relating from a place of presence as we delve into the profound connections that arise within a unified field of consciousness—an experience that can only be felt in the present moment. I’m truly looking forward to this journey!

I will leave you with some food for thought...

By Jeff Foster

We don't have a future together.
We only have
right here, right now.
To the ego,
that's incredibly depressing.

But to recognize
the utter preciousness of this moment
liberates me from the need
to possess or control you.

In this timelessness,
we can truly meet.

Love is the disappearance of time
and the disappearance of
the story of 'relationship'
It is the open field in which
true relationship
finally becomes possible.


May we recognize the sacredness of this moment.

May we connect to the sacredness of our soul.

May this be the lens through which we see and experience ourselves and all sentient beings.  

With love,
