Mindful Monday: The Power Within

Last week, I explored the importance of pausing and allowing ourselves to relax into the natural rhythm of life. This subject resonates deeply with me; it's not just a topic of interest but a core part of my practice and passion.

Why does this matter so much to me?

Because life is full of surprises, we may have a game plan, but we never truly know what will happen from one moment to the next.

Life's surprises come in various forms. Some are delightful, bringing joy, excitement, and personal growth. Others can be challenging, causing stress, pain, or sadness. Many fall somewhere in between, requiring us to adjust to what's in front of us – expected or not.

This can leave us feeling unsettled, anxious, and fearful of what lies ahead, wanting to try and control our environment.

When we rely on our outer circumstances to be exactly as planned, we repeatedly put ourselves in a precarious situation.

We become so focused on what's going on externally around us that we are no longer connected to who we are, to our inner world.

The journey of self-discovery is the journey back home to our true nature. It means taking time to be here right now, in our body and in our life.

Our power doesn't come through control.

Our power lies in:

  • Our ability to be grounded in the now.

  • Accessing our strength, wisdom, and peace within us, not outside us.

  • Our ability to choose to respond rather than react.  

I admire anyone who has the willingness and courage to look within. It's not always comfortable, but I know from my experience that it is where our freedom, peace, and true fulfillment lie.

Now, my daily mindfulness practice supports me. When I'm going through a challenging time and feel ungrounded, I have tools I use. My nervous system is more relaxed, and I can find my ground much more quickly.

I don't wait until I'm stressed to practice mindfulness. I practice mindfulness daily, so it supports me when I am stressed.

This wasn't always the case. I was thinking about this recently as memories of my past started returning to me.

I used to live a fast-paced, chaotic life. I was in unhealthy relationships when I was younger. I felt unsafe and insecure in my body and my life. I always looked outside of myself for love, comfort, and peace. I put on a front, which took a lot of energy. At different times, I suffered from terrible anxiety. I was fight-or-flight quite often, and I didn't even know that that was. I didn't know how to stop, yet a part of me always longed for peace. 

As I write this, I am deeply touched by how dramatically things have changed for me and my strength and resiliency to keep moving forward.

Transformation happens by being here now.

There is nothing we need to fix about ourselves.

When we are present and curious to know ourselves, when we are willing to shine a light on our experience and develop understanding and compassion, transformation happens. 

Take a moment and consider:

What if we had the willingness to stop and be here now?

What if we treated ourselves with the love we would have for a child?

What if all of the answers are within, it's merely taking the time to stop and listen.

When everything else is spinning like a cyclone around you, return to yourself and turn inward. Keep things simple and gentle.

If even doing that seems hard to do, please remember it's a process, and it ebbs and flows for everyone. And if you need support learning or strengthening your tools and practice, please reach out, and we can chat about which of my services would be best suited to meet you where you are.

With much love,
