Transforming Fear + FREE Online Tapping Session

Mindful Monday: Transforming Fear + FREE Online Tapping Session

We are witnessing an unprecedented moment in time. There is so much uncertainty and fear in the world right now. Things are changing fast. We are inundated with information and while trying to remain calm and in the present, it can be challenging.

I have had to cancel events and a weekend retreat, and I don’t know what the future holds. None of us do.

So, what do we do?

We can’t control what is happening in the world right now.

We can control how we respond and take care of ourselves.  

For me there is a difference between worry and concern.

A worried person is fear-based, constantly focused on a problem which, in turn, creates anxiety and irrational thinking. They continue to have more stress and more fear.

A concerned person is more present and grounded, looking at a situation with more objectivity, focused on solving a problem and doing what they need to do for their best interest.  

We have a choice.

Like a tree in a storm I am choosing to dig my roots deeper and stay grounded.

I am meditating and tapping (EFT) more.
I am grounding myself in nature.
I am trusting.  
I am praying for all of humanity.   

This is the perfect opportunity for all of us to step up our mindfulness practice and be present with our feelings. Embracing our emotions or fears with curiosity and kindness.

If fear arises within us that’s natural. At the same time, it doesn’t have to consume us or define who we are.    
Take this moment to stop and take a deep BREATH.

There is a part of our being that knows it is possible to trust in ourselves - our true self, our essence.

Connecting with this part allows us to make the best decisions for ourselves with the knowledge we have.  

When I do this, I don’t have to struggle for direction because my internal compass is leading the way.  To trust and connect to a strength and calm within.

When we shine light (love) on the darkness (fear) it transforms.

Peace amidst the storm.

Let’s also practice extending this outward, offering kindness and support to each other. Letting go of judgment and knowing we are each having our own experience.

I would like to offer you, my community, some additional support during these times.

I am offering a FREE Online Tapping (EFT) Session 
This Wednesday the 18th

Please join me and please share this link with your own communities.
* I will be doing these sessions for the next several weeks.
* I will also be doing live online meditations. 

Tapping (EFT) is one of the most effective and efficient ways to clear anxiety, fear and limiting beliefs that are keeping us immobilized. EFT is a combination of Chinese acupressure points and modern psychology. It has had a huge impact on my life and my clients and there is no better time than now to experience the results of this powerful technique. 
Sending prayers of love, health and harmony to all of you and all beings on the planet.
