Mindful Monday: Letting Go of Control. Is it Easy? Scary? Possible?

Sometimes I can hear the same message over and over again but it’s not until it’s said by one person at the right time that it sticks. Have you ever had that happen?

It was my experience this week when I read something from Marianne Williamson.

“The spiritual life is not where you are making things happen, the spiritual life is where you’re allowing everything to happen.”

When I read this, a sensation of relief and relaxation spread through my body. I thought, ‘It’s ok to let go’. I realized then that the Universe has my back and I don’t have to figure all of these things out. I can choose to trust.

Then I went for a walk, and as I watched the snowflakes fall effortlessly with grace, nature showed me how freeing it can be when I let go and trust.

or me the question has quite often been, how do I find the balance of letting go, allowing, and doing?

Maybe it’s different for each of us and maybe it changes as we change. The commonality I believe is the importance of taking the time to be still and listen within.

I know when I am more present I am able to hear, feel and honour the wisdom that lies within me. And this willingness to explore increases my capacity to trust in myself and in life.

Letting go of the reins isn’t always easy. There might be a big part of us that wants and feels the need to be in control. We try to make sure things happen just the way we have it all planned out.

Here’s the problem...

When we are trying to control things we are living in the future. We are worried about what might or might not happen. Meaning we are missing out on life.

And even though we try to control things it doesn’t always go as planned, does it?

Then what? We feel defeated and stressed and may have the urge to gain even more control.

Meanwhile, there is this miraculous Universe ready to support us but we’re too preoccupied trying to control or plan how it should look, that we’re missing glorious opportunities that are waiting for us.

A good question to ask ourselves is…

Are we trying to control things out of love or fear?

My guess is out of fear.

What if we had the courage to trust even if it felt uncomfortable?

What if we started to live our life in love rather than fear?

The Universe has a plan for us. You and me.

I have been reminded this week, all I need to do is take the time to stop and listen.

This is when we truly start living. When we stop, let go of the reins and trust.

Have a wonderful week!
