As a young girl one of my favorite things to do was ride my bike. I still remember the sense of freedom I felt riding through the neighbourhood with my friends, going here, there and everywhere.
When the streetlights came on, that was the sign I needed to head home, and wait until tomorrow for my next adventure.
These fond memories of riding my bike and playing are still within me. They are in my cells, and when I ride my bike now, I still connect to that youthful energy I felt so long ago.
I mentioned to you I had started The Artist’s Way, a program to connect to more creativity, play and joy. I am now one and a half months in and it is unearthing so much.
As I consciously find ways to bring more of these things into my life, I feel a shift. I feel an openness to the unknown and I’m paying attention to the miracles around me - including life itself.
I’m also observing the part of me that wants to over plan how to play. Yes, the planner in me wants to plan the play! I know, right?
What happened? It created pressure.
This pressure started to show up as tension in my body. When I became aware that this tension was the subconscious giving me a signal that something was out of alignment, I listened.
What a wake-up call. I was getting tense trying to be creative.
Generally, I’d say I am someone who goes with the flow, but this process has been showing me where I’m not in the flow at all and the impact of forcing this process. Or really, forcing anything!
I’m super grateful for this awareness. As I’m doing this program, the obstacles showed up right away – me. I have been in the way.
So, with compassion and awareness I am starting to change the way I approach creativity and life in general. It has been super enlightening.
Gratefully, I have many wise teachers to lead the way, the children in my life. They show me there is nothing to figure out. They don’t try and play, they just play.
I’m learning how to play again and I’m tapping back into that same freedom I felt riding my bike as a little girl.
How about you?
Do you feel in the flow with your creativity and play?
Do you like to play?
When life is busy and responsibilities feel never-ending things can feel heavy, mundane. We may find ourselves feeling stressed, uninspired or kind of blah. And quite often these are the times that we don’t usually give ourselves the space to be creative and play.
What if we carved out time (not over planned!) to be creative and play?
What is one thing you loved to do in the summer as a child? Maybe lay in the grass and look up at the clouds, play hopscotch, bike, swim, eat an ice cream cone…. what else?
Just because we are older doesn’t mean we have to be old.
“I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise.”
― Margaret Atwood
When we take time and really listen to our child self within it is saying,
‘Will you come out and play with me today?’
Try saying yes, letting go, and seeing what kind of fun (and freedom!) presents itself.