I know so many people who are being tested right now, on many levels. It feels like there’s huge change and upheaval occurring, both individually and globally.
It’s not always comfortable. We don’t have to like it. It can be scary, enlightening and everything else in between.
My experience is, when we stay the course, and hold space for our emotions and our experience in a loving and supportive way, it creates an opening for an awakening and deeper connection to Self.
Transformation happens.
The last two years for me have led to a huge transformation and I’m still going through it; not always easy, and on the flip side, filled with many gifts.
The silver-lining has been that I have learned to be my own best friend in a way I never was before.
My inner resources continue to strengthen. I have a greater capacity to stay grounded and hold space for my experience. I have learned how to be kinder to myself which equals greater self-love.
It’s empowering to know at a deep level that ‘I’ve got this’.
Like anything, it takes practice.
It’s easy to feel good about ourselves when things are going our way, we feel productive, our relationships are going well, our finances are in order, our health is optimal, we are on top of it all, right?
But what about the times when this isn’t happening? When we are struggling, anxious, experience an unexpected tragedy or illness, feel not enough or afraid.
What then?
How do we treat ourselves?
Are we kind and loving or do we abandon ship? Meaning do we abandon ourselves because we may not know any other way.
A quote from Matt Kahn that I love and am leaning into is….
‘You deserve more love not less.’
This has become a part of my daily practice: loving myself more, no matter what.
Every time I consciously choose to be loving toward myself, I am creating a new behaviour.
One simple choice practiced consistently creates long-term change.
When we get off course and realize it, we go back again, and again and again.
This is what mindfulness looks like.
Where do we start?
Practicing self-compassion has been my focus.
I start with the question, ‘What do I need?’
And then I listen.
Maybe it’s to be quiet, meditate and be alone.
Maybe it’s to reach out and connect with someone.
Maybe it’s to do nothing.
Maybe it’s to feel my feelings fully.
Maybe it’s to say reassuring words like, “I love you.”
Maybe it’s to go for a walk or move my body.
Maybe its to hug ourselves and be with our feelings.
There is something empowering about listening and honouring what we need.
Not what we ‘should’ need or what other people think we need but going within for the answers.
Can we give ourselves permission to feel the tough emotions, feel scared or vulnerable and be fully present with our experience?
When things feel like they are falling apart and nothing makes sense, let’s lean into “more love” and find what we need.
And sometimes we need some extra support on our journey; to help navigate the path to your inner Self, to offer guidance and tools to help you confidently stay the course and trust yourself and your needs.
If you’re looking for support, if it’s hard right now to grasp how to offer yourself the more love that you need, I can help. My private coaching program, “Step into Your Power” was created for this. For you. Please see my website or contact me for more information.
With love,