‘Tis the season for many to give and receive gifts.
A beautifully wrapped box under the tree can be a thoughtful and caring gesture, and so can the simple and invaluable gift of our presence in the lives of those around us.
Sometimes we can get caught up in needing to do this or that, but from my experience, most people long for a meaningful connection. To be seen, cared for, and to feel connected.
Do you know the feeling when you’re with someone and feel good? You can feel they are present, really with you at the moment. Their good vibes and loving-kindness move through your soul and touch or uplift you somehow.
Being present and aware is a gift for us and all.
Sometimes we can underestimate the power of our presence. We don’t have to do, buy, or accomplish anything. When we live a more embodied life, we are connected to our true essence, communicating and living from a place of beingness.
“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
A few months ago, I started volunteering, serving lunch at Ark Aid Street Mission. Ark Aid provides food, services, and support to the homeless folks in our community. It has been such a meaningful experience.
For me, it’s not just about serving food; I enjoy being fully present, being aware of my thinking, sending loving thoughts, and offering care. It feels good.
I am there for a limited time, so I treat it like an opportunity to offer love and kindness, as well as serve food. Yes, many people are starving for food in our city, and they are also starving for love, respect, and meaningful connection.
The last time I was at Ark Aid, I had a beautiful conversation with a young woman. When I served her, I could tell she was upset, so I stopped and connected with her. I listened. I was present.
I listened with compassion. She shared how so many people judge her because she is homeless. She said she’s a good person who has had a lot of traumas in her life and a lot of losses, most recently. I wasn’t offering her advice; I was offering her my presence. It felt like it was a gift for both of us. We connected at the soul level.
When we are treated with kindness and respect, it heals our souls. When we are seen and acknowledged, it helps us to know we’re valued and enough, just as we are.
My teacher said something that resonated with me:
We are each a wave in the ocean. We are not separate from the ocean; we are all part of the same ocean.
You see, we are each a unique soul, and at the level of consciousness, we are One.
Wishing you all the best this holiday season, and looking forward to connecting with you again in the new year.
With love,