We have a lot in common.
But sometimes it can feel like we are all alone and no one else could possibly understand or feel the same way we do.
Have you ever felt that way? I have.
Mindful Mondays: Let's practice 'morning mindfulness' this week. Are you in?
I am so grateful to be connecting with you this week. As I am writing this email to you I am imagining we are sitting together and having a nice, relaxing conversation - and it fills my heart.
This week I am wondering if you would like to join me and practice being mindful and present in the morning. It's more fun and inspiring when we know we aren't alone in this.
Mindful Mondays: Rarely present. Stressed. Don't know how to live in the moment?
nature + the moment = peace joy fulfillment
I don't know about you - but I love spending time in nature. It soothes my soul.
I am really fortunate because I'm only a few blocks from the river. So pretty much every day I go for a beautiful walk along the pathway. It feels like my backyard!
Nature helps me to be in the moment and feel at peace. It opens up my heart to more gratitude and love.
Mindful Monday: Fear of being alone with you + your thoughts (This was me!)
Mindful Mondays: Living In Love. Week 3. How doing THIS can ease anxiety...
Mindful Monday.Living In Love: Are your decisions based on love or controlled by fear?
It's here! Week 1. Your FREE series 'Living In Love Not Fear'
Mindful Monday: Trying to control someone or something in your life?...
Life is full of change, right?
Sometimes it is wonderful and sometimes it can be incredibly hard to deal with or accept.
We all know change is inevitable and yet we can still find ourselves resisting it in ways both big and small.
Are there areas of your life that you are resisting or trying to control?
Mindful Monday: 86% of Canadians can't sleep at night. Is this you?
Mindful Monday: This 1 thing can change your life...
Mindful Monday: I apologized...and it felt so good.
Mindful Monday: It’s YOUR day off. Is your mind present + calm or distracted?
Mindful Monday: When things fall apart...relationships. work. health. money. dreams.
Mindful Monday: Is Your Mental Checklist Controlling You?
Mindful Monday: "I will be happy when....." (it's a trap!)
Mindful Monday: Is your monkey mind driving you bonkers?
Most people's minds are going non-stop and, as a result, we take life and ourselves WAY too seriously.
Would you agree...it feels really good to be able to laugh at yourself?
Some of life's best moments are when you're having fun and being goofy. Practicing mindfulness allows us to be present in those moments and embrace lightheartedness.
Mindful Monday: 'Can you meditate lying down?' Yes you can.
There are a lot of beliefs about meditation and how we 'should' do it. So much so that some people may feel intimidated and never even try it.
The pictures we see of people meditating are usually ones where people are sitting on the floor cross-legged. So you might think this is the only way to meditate. It's not the only way. It's one way.
Mindful Monday: Want a quick pick-me-up?
Mindful Monday: 'I can't meditate with lots of thoughts' It's NOT true.
The most common comments I hear from people about meditation are....
"I can't meditate because I have way too many thoughts."
And the one I used many times when I first started...
"I can't meditate this week because I am too stressed out."
These are not true.
If these were true - I wouldn't be meditating.