Mindful Monday: The Power of Vulnerability

Mindful Monday: The Power of Vulnerability

Last week I did a Facebook Live and the topic was the power of mindfulness and vulnerability. If you didn’t get to see it, I shared with the audience that I have been feeling vulnerable lately. I’ve been going through a lot of growth and as exciting as this is, there is also a sense of stepping into the unknown which can feel unsettling at times.

Mindful Monday: Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety

Mindful Monday: Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety

Anxiety’s a bit like a houseguest who’s overstayed their welcome. At first, you think the visit is short-term but somehow, time passes, and the guest has made themselves WAY too comfortable. You can’t get rid of them and your home no longer feels like a safe, peaceful space.

Now what if this home I describe is your mind? And your body? What if anxiety feels like it’s taken over? You desperately want to kick out the unwanted guest and find peace but if feels like a vicious cycle with no beginning or end.

Mindful Monday: A Lesson In Letting Go

Mindful Monday: A Lesson In Letting Go

Sometimes I can hear the same message over and over again but it’s not until it’s said by one person at the right time that it sticks. Have you ever had that happen? It was my experience this week.

I’ve been taking an online course with Marianne Williamson. It’s fantastic. She said,
“The spiritual life is not where you are making things happen, the spiritual life is where you’re allowing everything to happen.”

Mindful Monday: Walking the Path of a Spiritual Warrior

Mindful Monday: Walking the Path of a Spiritual Warrior

Last week I talked about peeling back the layers, like an onion, to rid ourselves of old stories and beliefs and get back to the core of who we truly are.

Sometimes we take it upon ourselves to do the work and peel back these layers, and sometimes we get a little extra nudge or push to finally face the tough stuff head-on, whether we like it or not.  

How many of you have been thrown a curve ball that has brought life as you know it to a complete halt?

Mindful Monday: How to be Ultra Spiritual

Mindful Monday:  How to be Ultra Spiritual

September has always been a significant month for me. A time when I have started new things and made big changes, a lot of which have altered my life in big ways.

Recently I was reflecting that it was in September, 24 years ago, that I went to my first meditation retreat and learned to mediate. I’d love to say that since that day I’ve been a dedicated meditator but that’s not how my story goes.

Mindful Monday: Is Fear Holding You Back? Keeping You Stuck?

Mindful Monday: Is Fear Holding You Back? Keeping You Stuck?

As humans we will experience a full gamut of emotions - one of them being fear.
When we are afraid we feel a sensation in our body. The default reaction is usually to push the fear away or push it down. We want it to be gone. But the more we push it down or try to get rid of it, the longer it will stay.

Mindful Monday: Loving the Parts We Don’t Like

Mindful Monday:  Loving the Parts We Don’t Like

Last week we talked about “the problem with perfect”. Could you relate? Most of us can, at least to some degree.

There are times we may feel more confident, aware, focused and in a good groove and ‘The Perfectionist’ isn’t on our radar but there are also times when our inner critic – you know, that negative, nagging voice judging from the depths of our subconscious mind – is front and center and begging for attention.

Mindful Monday: The Greatest Gift of All

Happy holidays! I know this can be a busy time – last minute everything! Hopefully you’re able to enjoy a few moments of mindfulness in the midst of it all. One way I do this for myself is through reflection and bringing my focus back to what’s really important to me.

What keeps coming up for me is being present, being of service, and the gift of giving.

“For it is in giving that we receive.”   – Saint Francis of Assisi