The first time I read about the idea that our thoughts create our reality was in my early twenties. It was Louise Hay’s book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. It blew me away. And although I didn’t necessarily make big changes in my thinking at that time, it did 'plant seeds' which would later grow.
Mindful Monday: brother-in-laws + sunflowers....a little kindness goes a long way.
There are some people who have a naturally positive, kind and giving way about them. Do you know anyone like this? I do, my brother-in-law Rob.
Every Sunday, for several months of the year, Rob gives the women in our family a sunflower - just because! He loves sunflowers. They make him happy and he wants to share his happiness with us.
Mindful Monday: Gossip is Toxic.
Mindful Monday: Longing for that ‘perfect meditation’? It doesn’t exist.
Mindful Monday: Is it possible to be grateful + at peace?...amongst tragedy + chaos
Mindful Monday: Is it possible to be grateful + at peace?...amongst tragedy + chaos
I hope this finds you all well. Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians as you enjoy a long holiday weekend!
It’s a time of year when many choose to gather with family and friends, give thanks, and focus on all we have to be grateful for. I have so much in my life to be grateful for and I am. But earlier this week, my heart was heavy with sadness over the horrific events taking place around our world. When I heard the news about Las Vegas the thought, "What is happening in our world?!" kept running through my mind.
With feelings of shock and sadness also came a desire to take action. But how? What could I do?
I meditated.
I allowed myself to feel all of the feelings I was feeling and let the thoughts come and go (there were lots!). During my meditation, I chose to send blessings of love, peace, and well-being to all of the victims and people who were affected by this tragedy. When my meditation was over and I opened my eyes I felt grounded and peaceful. I took care of myself and then had the capacity to send love and well wishes to people in need. And I continue to do this.
I can't change a lot of things that are happening in the world; natural disasters, war, murder...but I can choose to be a beacon of light. We all can. And we can do this every day in really simple ways (in our actions and words) with our family, friends, and community.
We are all agents of change.
Every time we meditate and connect to the stillness and peace within, when we are peaceful, present and loving, that energy is sent out and felt by all of humanity.
All of humanity is connected at the level of consciousness. We are one.
Each thought we think holds a frequency and LOVE is the highest frequency of all. (This isn't woo woo stuff. Science has proven this.) When we focus on love and kindness it has a huge impact on the healing of our planet and all living beings.
So today and the days to come, will you join me in being part of the solution and healing?
Right now - will you take a moment and stop.
Feel your breath moving through your body.
Imagine - or simply have the intention - to send love from your heart. Send it to whoever and wherever you would like it to go.
Envision people being happy, healthy and safe.
Wish all beings well.
All that is required is the intention.
As a helpful tool, enjoy my Loving Kindness Meditation (5 minutes)
During this meditation, you will be guided to give love and well wishes to yourself and then send it out to others.
With Love,
Mindful Monday: Addicted to your cellphone + social media? This is my experience…
When I was away at the silent meditation retreat last month I didn’t have access to my cell phone for 10 days. That’s the longest I’ve ever gone without it!
I handed it in when I arrived on day one and by day 10, I had made some really interesting observations around my thoughts and behaviours with my phone and social media use.
Mindful Monday: 10 Days of Silence Taught Me This...
I’ve returned from my 10 day silent retreat. How was it? Well, AMAZING! And I’d like to share some of my experience with you.
The teacher was S.N. Goenka. He called the 10 days, “a surgery on the mind”. We were going in and doing some deep work, meditating for 10 hours a day with teachings every evening. Our day started at 4:30am and ended at 9:00pm.
Mindful Monday: Want to live in the moment? Hang out with children.
I love hanging out with my great nieces and nephews and children in general. They are so real (no filters), so silly and so much fun!
They are fully present. They aren’t worried about the past or the future. They express how they feel. When they are sad, they are sad. When they are happy, they are happy. It's so refreshing.
Mindful Monday: It's back to school! As children we learn. As adults we unlearn.
It doesn't matter how old I am when September rolls around I still get that 'back to school' feeling.
I remember being excited about the first day of school - to see all of my friends, having new school supplies and a brand new outfit to wear.
Was I excited about learning? Hmm, I'm not so sure about that. But the learning still happened!
Mindful Monday: Why my life keeps getting better and better...
Mindful Monday: I am leaving for a 10 day silent retreat. Yes - complete silence!
Mindful Monday: Stressed about being stressed? This seems to be the new normal.
Mindful Monday: A random act of kindness...and it changed my day!
Mindful Monday: Confession: I eat too fast. Can we practice mindful eating together?
Mindful Monday: Lacking Passion or Purpose? This is what my mom does...
Mindful Mondays: My 12 year old friend shares how meditation has helped her anxiety + increased self-love
Mindful Monday: How was your summer weekend? Were you present + relaxed? Or stressed with a busy mind?
Mindful Mondays: Have Anxiety? Someone just showed me this simple tool. It works!
Mindful Mondays: Difficult Relationships + Judgments. It isn't always easy, is it?
This week I thought we could talk about relationships. We all have them, right?
Would you agree that some people in your life are SO easy to communicate with while others are more challenging?
Do you have someone in your life who triggers you OR you are constantly judging them and think THEY should change?