Something I have been curious about lately is, what is it like to be a child right now as we navigate through this pandemic? What is going through a child’s mind?
Mindful Monday: Befriending Fear
Mindful Monday: A Call to Connect
Transforming Fear + FREE Online Tapping Session
Mindful Monday: Awakening with Grace
Mindful Monday: Exploring Pain + Purpose
Mindful Monday: The Gift of Choice During Crises
Mindful Monday: Choosing Not to Strive for Perfection
Mindful Monday: Exploring (Not Controlling!) Consciousness
Mindful Monday: Self-Compassion During Hard Times
Mindful Monday: Let's Keep It Simple
Mindful Monday: What will you let fall away this New Year?
Mindful Monday: No One Can Take Our Peace Away - Unless We Let Them
Mindful Monday: When a Car Crashes into Your House, Things Change
Mindful Monday: The Softer Side of Letting Go
Mindful Monday: Courage + Sacred Space = Healing
Copy of Mindful Monday: Don’t take it personally…
Mindful Monday: Lessons in Traveling Light
My sister, Shelley is a well-seasoned traveler and knows all of the in’s and out’s of packing only the essentials. On our last trip together, I was not so successful. I left it all to the last minute (not usually the way I roll) and brought WAY too much stuff. You just never know what you’re going to want to wear, right?
You know where I have learned to travel light? In life.
Mindful Monday: Savouring Simple Moments
I have had a few really wonderful weeks. I travelled with my sister to a wedding in Montreal and had so much fun there exploring, eating, walking and spending time with good friends.
Getting out of our everyday lives can be a wonderful break sometimes; mixing things up, fresh surroundings, unique experiences.