Consciousness is alive and dynamic. It’s a mystery unfolding in every moment with no beginning or end. I was reminded of the ever-changing landscape of this reality last week.
Last week I wrote about the freedom we have when we're able to "surf the waves" and flow with the uncertainty of life. It certainly is a journey and a moment-to-moment practice.
Have you ever had an experience where you were so focused on trying to fix something and then out of the blue, the solution appeared right before your eyes?
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the holiday season can sometimes magnify everything happening in our lives, and we tend to feel things a little more intensely.
For the past month, I have been immersed in a teaching focused on spontaneity, playful curiosity, and the joy of discovery as we come in contact with our heart’s desire.
Two weeks ago, I participated in a 5-day retreat, and like every retreat, the real work comes when it’s over and I bring the teaching into my life. The Universe presents opportunities for me to practice, and there are always opportunities!